Take our Free Evangelism Evaluation Quiz to see where you, your church or group grade towards their effectiveness in sharing the gospel.
Experience our hands-on workshops for step-by-step evangelism and discipleship training.
We exist to provide churches with practical tools that will encourage members to Delight in God, Declare the Gospel, and Make Disciples. Our practical workshops and small group studies tools are all designed with this focus.
Every Christian is called to make disciples. So we make evangelism easy with a straightforward process, step-by-step tools, and over 35 years of proven experience sharing the Gospel. Find out how to book Jim Halstead for a half-day workshop at your church or learn more about the 7 week small group video series.
The Go & Tell Ministries is a faith-based mission rooted in equipping the church to share the gospel and make disciples who make disciples. Our workshops, seminars, small group studies, preaching engagements and coaching are designed to train believers in effective evangelism and discipleship.
The Go & Tell Evangelism Seminar is a concise, easy and practical way to share the gospel with others and it is free on our web page. The seminar includes 4 videos with an 11 page booklet.
The Go & Tell Evangelism Workshop is an in-depth, easy and practical way to share the gospel with others. It is a 3-hour live interactive seminar taught by Jim Halstead with a 36-page workbook. You will have several opportunities to practice what you learn through guided role-plays.
Contact us through our website for details and upcoming dates.
The Go & Tell Evangelism workbook and the Go & Tell: Great Commission Small Group Study DVD, leader's guide and participant workbook are available to be purchased on our web site.
The Go & Tell: Great Commission Study is a 7-session study that equips you to Delight in God, Declare the Gospel and Make Disciples who will in turn make disciples. It includes a leader’s guide, 7 teaching videos, participant’s workbook and a 5-day personal study plan.
This 7-session study is perfect for individuals and small groups who want to live out the Great Commission.
We are so excited about the opportunities we have to train believers in evangelism & discipleship. We invite you to connect with us today to schedule a workshop, seminar or preaching engagement.
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