Paul and George have been friends for many years. One day, after listening to Paul present the gospel, George makes the decision to repent of his sins and follow Christ. What follows is like a training course in being a Christian. Paul teaches his young friend to be a “fisher of men” and bring others to the Lord, just as Jesus Himself had said to His first followers.
This is the story of how an ardent disciple of Jesus goes about making “disciples who make disciples.” George had never really thought much about the things of God, until his friend Paul introduced him to Jesus after a conversation while bowling one evening. After that, George immersed himself fully in being a follower of Christ. Finally, George reaches the point where he too, is able to present the Gospel to others, enriching the Kingdom with even more followers.
This is the story and description of how a faithful disciple of Jesus makes “disciples who make disciples.” George had never really thought much about the things of God, until his friend Paul introduced him to Jesus after a conversation while bowling one evening. After that, Paul disciples George and sees him become a devoted follower of Christ. Finally, George reaches the point where he, too, can share the Gospel and “make disciples who make disciples.”
Foreword by Dr. Dan Spader
Through the years, I’ve had many people tell me, “I don’t know how to disciple, since no one has ever discipled me.” I understand this reality, and in many ways; it was also true of my own experience.
However, as I have reconsidered this statement, I have realized that many people through the years… have prayed for me and shared the love of God with me. I have been indirectly discipled ‘relationally’ by genuine Christ-followers! Though not intentionally, their lives have impacted me.
My friend Jim Halstead, in this simple, yet profound book… paints a beautiful picture of how each of us can be relational disciple-makers. Through story, he powerfully presents what ‘relational’ discipling really looks like… as he tells the story of Paul, George and then Gunny and Uncle Harold. It is not complicated, but simple and yet very intentional.
If you feel that you don’t know how to disciple someone, then this book if for you!
If you feel inadequate in ‘making disciples,’ this book will show you how it can be done.
It will paint a picture of what discipling Jesus-style looks like. It is not a curriculum or a program or a project… it is a way of life!
This story of Paul and then George, is repeated millions of times around the world by millions of average people; it is God’s chosen way of “imparting our life” (I Thess 2:8) to others intentionally. As someone who has seen disciple-making movements in over 100 countries around the world; this is what ‘discipling’ really is! Simple people, with a real love for God, who pray, care and share with their friends.
I highly commend this ‘easy to read’ book to you and to your friends. Once you read it, you won’t forget it.
It will help you join the millions of God’s children…simple, average lay people around the world… who are changing the world, one life at a time by making disciples. Just like Jesus did!
Dr. Dann Spader
Founder: Concentricglobal.org and Sonlife.com
Author: LIKE JESUS Initiative. https://LikeJesus.church
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