I was blessed to develop a friendship with Joel Zabrorowski when we went to Israel with Sonlife in 2017. Since then, our friendship has grown, and I have been blessed to teach the Go & Tell Evangelism Workshop and preach at Freedom Bible Church. Joel also founded the Ancient Path Disciple Making ministry. We are partnering together to make disciples who make disciples.

Joel Zaborowski is an ordained pastor with the Evangelical Free Churches of America. He has served Christ for 32 years as a youth pastor, associate pastor, church planter (twice), senior pastor, and on the Board of Directors for the EFCA Northern Mountain District. 

Joel currently pastors Freedom Bible Church (EFCA) in north central Ohio and serves on the Board of Directors for Montana Bible College in Bozeman, MT. He regularly partners with the Center for Indian Ministries and Chief ministries to equip Native American pastors and leaders and partners with JLife Africa to equip Tanzanian pastors and leaders. 

We believe Jesus blazed a trail… an Ancient Path for his disciples to follow.  It is a pathway to making disciples, which He instructed His church to do. Joel and I are planning to partner to equip the church to share the gospel and make disciples.

Ancient Path Disciple Making website at: https://www.ancientpathdm.org/