Prayer is the work of Evangelism

Please read and be blessed as I share my 46-year prayer journey for my sister’s salvation.

Coffee Devo with Go & Tell Ministries by Pastor Jim

I am excited to travel to Alberta in June to preach and teach the Go & Tell Ministries Evangelism Workshop at the Congregational Christian Churches in Canada. I met Pastor John Kimball, the Director of Church Development for the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference (4 C’s) in Atlanta for the Disciple Making Summit. He attended all of my workshops and has invited me to preach/teach at his church (Palmwood Church) and to be a part of the 4 C’s Annual Gathering in Orlando in August. Listen to Pastor John’s testimony about the Go & Tell Ministries workshops.

Coffee Devo with Go & Tell Ministries by Pastor Jim

I had a wonderful time teaching at the Disciple Making Summit and their pre-conferences, the Concentric Roundtable, and the Elevate Conference. Watch this testimonial video from Discipleship Pastor Matthew, who took the Go & Tell Ministries Evangelism and Disicple Making Workshops.

Go & Tell Ministries February Newsletter

We are so grateful for our ministry’s many financial and prayer supporters. It is because of your faithful prayers that we are equipping the church locally and globally to share the gospel and make disciples.

Coffee Devo with Go & Tell Ministries and Pastor Jim

John 15:15 (NIV)15  I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. Exodus 33:11 (NIV)11  The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.

Coffee Devo with Go & Tell Ministries by Pastor Jim

I had a great Go & Tell Ministries weekend @ Mt. Olive Missionary Church in Peoria, Illinois, in January. I enjoyed my time with Pastor Kurt and his church family. Pastor Kurt wrote this about the weekend:“I invited Jim to come and encourage Mt. Olive Missionary Church in evangelism. He helped remove the fear of evangelism and showed us a helpful approach. I love his approach because it is simple and clear when communicating the gospel with unbelievers. I am glad we brought him to Mt. Olive!”He also filmed a short video about hosting a Go & Tell Ministries event.

Coffee Devo with Go & Tell Ministries by Pastor Jim

Over a year ago, I met Tony at Panera’s, and we became good friends. I shared the gospel with him several times, and although he didn’t initially profess faith in Jesus, he agreed to do the Disciples Making Disciples (DMD) bible study with me. We started reading the first chapter together, and after our first meeting, Tony invited 4-5 people to join us. By the 11th chapter, Tony repented of his sins and professed his faith in Jesus. We just finished chapter 23 of the DMD book this week. Please watch Tony share his heartfelt testimony about the Disciples Making Disciples bible study book.

Coffee Devo with Go & Tell Ministries by Pastor Jim

I praise the Lord for using my book, Disciples Making Disciples (DMD), to lead many to faith in Jesus Christ and be used as a tool to disciple new believers. Michael has been meeting with Alex for the past year, working through the DMD book. Just last week, Alex repented of his sins and professed faith in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. I praise the Lord for faithful disciples like Michael, who share the gospel and make disciples. Listen to Alex share a brief testimony just a few minutes after he professed in Jesus with Michael.

Go & Tell Ministries January 2025 Newsletter

We are so grateful for your prayers and financial support to help us equip the local and global church to share the gospel and make disciples to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

Coffee Devo with Go & Tell Ministries by Pastor Jim

I was blessed to meet Tony at Panera’s over a year ago. Through our friendship, he professed faith in Jesus Christ and invited several people to attend the Disciples Making Disciples Bible Study @ Panera’s. Listen to Tony’s testimonial.

Coffee Devo with Go & Tell Ministries by Pastor Jim

I have been blessed to meet regularly with Kevin Trotter, my ministry coach from the Trellis Group. He has helped me develop and strengthen the ministry to equip the church to share the gospel and make disciples. I am amazed and so grateful for what the Lord has done since I founded Go & Tell Ministries in the fall of 2020.