“Thank you for partnering with me to equip the church to share the gospel and make disciples with Go & Tell Ministries. People often asked me how I discipled new believers once they repented & professed faith in Jesus. I would meet with them, share my walk with Jesus, and study the Bible together. This book will help me come alongside you so you can grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ as you follow Him, but I
also pray that it could be a valuable resource to help you disciple a new believer. May the Lord bless you as you Go & Tell and Make Disciples who can Make Disciples.”
“One of the greatest blessings the Lord grants to us is to share the gospel with others and help those who have repented and professed faith in Jesus become disciples who go out and make new disciples. This book will encourage you to grow your relationship with Jesus through real-life testimonies and Bible-based studies and help you disciple another believer. This book is an excellent tool for reaching out to a lost and spiritually hungry world by using God’s perfect strategy of making disciples who make disciples.”
Foreword by Kent Benson

Through the ministry of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), I came to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is a blessing to be able to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others in many different settings and especially through many FCA events. I do not recall sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with Jim in the summer of 1976 at the FCA camp at Central Michigan University, but he sure does. I often share this phrase when I speak, “What I am is God’s gift to me; what I make of myself is my gift to God.” Jim has made it his goal to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others and to make disciples who make disciples.
The world is filled with lost souls who will never find what they are searching for if they don’t know where to look. Spreading the love of God and the saving message of the gospel is the duty and the privilege of every Christian. But our goal is not just to put more people in the pews on Sundays. We are answering Christ’s call to reach a lost and hurting world with His timeless message of divine mercy and salvation alone in Jesus Christ.
In these pages, you will see, from real experiences, how the Holy Spirit can empower ordinary people like you and me to win souls for Christ, in the most distant corners of the globe and right in your very own neighborhood. As followers of Jesus, this book will help believers fulfill the Great Commission, which not only calls us to be “fishers of men” but to build up God’s kingdom by being disciples who make disciples.
It is a blessing to be a part of Jim’s salvation story as he shares the gospel and makes disciples. May this book equip you to share the gospel and disciple others so they can make disciples who make disciples for the glory of God!
Blessed to God and Highly Favored,
Kent Benson
Indiana University NCAA National Champions 1976
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