User Stories

I have read A Disciple’s Walk and absolutely loved it! As someone who interacts with others about Christ and the gospel, the stories were relatable, and the answers were perfect! God’s Word speaks to me every time! It was so beautiful when Sue mentioned she professed her belief in college. I was afraid she wasn’t going to like Mike’s decision about attending church! That was really well done. God is real and His love for us. John 3:16.
Liz Boa Nova
Jim’s love for Jesus and his Spirit-led passion for sharing the Gospel were such a blessing during our Evangelism Weekend! His stories of salvation and practical methods inspired confidence, especially his emphasis that evangelism is relational- with Jesus and with others. Looking forward to the Great Commission study we are about to begin!
Mike Heath
Grace Presbyterian Church, Jasper TN
My name is Abbie Dotson. I am 25 years old and am married since 04/22/2023. My relationship with God has been tough. Before I was adopted at 6 years of age I did not know who He was. I did not know that Jesus came to this earth to die not only for everyone’s sins, but mine too. So much happened in my past; I just struggled to trust that God was and still is there for me. I ran away at 18. I hurt my family, but most of all my relationship with God. I was so full of shame and regret for all the pain I caused that I tried to take my own life. In the early morning of 08/06/2020 I was driving from a second shift job. My mind would not stop racing. I was just so over everything I swerved off the road. I ended up stranded on the side of the road all alone. I look around and all I notice is the passenger side was destroyed and my side was not. I dove out of my car and tried calling for help by yelling, but no one was around. I was scared and felt alone. I sat on the grass and immediately I was embraced with peace and comfort. Though I could not necessarily make out a voice all I heard was “go home”. A really good friend of mine encouraged me to do the same. My family welcomed me back with open arms. I still struggle at times with my faith and my personal relationship with the Lord, but I am so thankful He saved my soul by sending His only son to die for my sins. I believe with all my heart that Jesus is the reason I get to
Abbie Dotson
Grace Presbyterian Church, Jasper, TN
I thoroughly enjoyed the Evangelism Workshop presented by Jim Halstead, an outstanding and riveting preacher.  I learned that Evangelism is Relational!  We need to converse with others and LISTEN to their stories. I have listed many more than 5 people for whom to pray daily and trust the Holy Spirit to guide me as I stumble along.  I recognize that I have not been proactive in Evangelism, and as I learn more, I trust I will become more and more comfortable with spreading the word of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  I need a little more help, and I will attend the 14-week Sunday School Series. Pastor Erik will be leading in March.  Thank you for the work you do and for inspiring so many. Ann Sinder Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Ann Sinder
Grace Presbyterian Church, Jasper, TN.
Jim is an exceptional communicator. This course reminded me of the need to pray regularly for the lost. I was also reminded that sharing the gospel is relational, meaning it is essential to understand where people are coming from, listen to what people are communicating verbally and nonverbally, and not just follow a prewritten script.
Dave Shelton
I invited Jim to come and encourage Mt. Olive Missionary Church in evangelism. He helped remove the fear of evangelism and showed us a helpful approach. I love his approach because it is simple and clear when communicating the gospel with unbelievers. I am glad we brought him to Mt. Olive!
Kurt Brubaker
Mt. Olive Missionary Church Peoria, IL
I recently attended a GO and Tell Workshop. I enjoyed the workshop very much. I found it enjoyable and informative. I really enjoyed the statement Jim said “We talk about who we love”. I found this statement convicting as well. The other thing i found about this workshop is that we act like there is always time to witness and share the gospel when in reality we are not promised tomorrow. I would recommend this workshop to anyone.
Brian Cook
Mt. Olive Missionary Church, Peoria Il
Jim’s theology and materials are well thought through and practical. He teaches and inspires people through God’s Word and his real-life stories. Every church needs this workshop. Thank you, Jim.
Rev. Mark Doursa
Refreshing Mercies, Dunlap, IL
I’m updating you on how my discipling others are going with your book, Disciples Making Disciples. Discipleship is moving forward with the young men at Youth for Christ. I’m seeing more and more interest in discipleship as the Lord leads me to others who are enthused about it. The movie “Forged” keeps coming up as I discuss discipling others. I watched it for the first time on Netflix with my wife last week. I thought, Oh man, this is precisely what we are trying to do. But we have Jim Halstead’s “Go & Tell Ministries” with all the great tools to equip us to disicple others. It is like a confirmation from the Lord. So much more, but for now, May God continue to bless what you are doing.
Denny Elrick
Maywood Church
Hello Pastor Jim, Thank you for all the information you provided on November 9th when you taught the Go & Tell Evangelism workshop and the Disciples Making Disciples Workshop. I am starting to digest it. I testified at church about the impact of the Go & Tell Ministries on me from a slightly different perspective. I let Pastor Bob Sloma discuss the day’s events. Here is what I said to the congregation: “This (testimony) is a good one. In past weeks, I’ve discussed how massive the universe is and how God is the creator of everything. This week, I have a personal testimony that ranks as my 2nd most important one this year. Think about when you go to the doctor for your annual checkup. You have a few questions to discuss with the doctor, like “Is there anything I can do for my knee pain?” or “I have a cough.” Of course, the doctor has many questions about you, like “Are you fatigued?” or “Any more problems with your heart?” All of these questions cover your body’s health. But I found a way to check my soul’s health. It is relatively easy. You must trick your pastor into joining you on a round-trip drive to Augusta. Be sure to lock your doors. You don’t want him jumping out at a stop sign. During this drive, I asked Pastor Bob some questions that I found perplexing, such as the content of prayer and the ultimate reason for prayer. The answers opened my eyes to a bigger understanding of each issue. And, of course, Pastor Bob had a few questions for me. Some of my answers helped indicate the condition of my soul. Yes, I agree. I have sinned against some of the commandments and sinned against God. I have
John Benson
Palmyra, Maine
We invited Go Tell Ministries for a Workshop on Saturday. It was really good stuff! Jim came back Sunday and spoke during our Sunday School hour and preached during our Worship Service. Every session was inspiring and empowering! I’m excited to see how God uses this event in the lives of our people going forward. I highly recommend it!
Luke Kelley
Christ Community EFC, Ashland OH
Our church was really blessed to have Jim come and share his evangelism training with us. Our people really enjoyed his conversational style and storytelling. Many came away with the tools and confidence that God can use each of us to build relationships and share the Gospel with our unsaved friends and family members. I believe this training has greatly raised the evangelistic temperature of our church! We also really appreciate how Jim makes his training available to small churches.
Pastor Curt Bowman
Irish Hills Community Church, Onsted, MI
Our church family was equipped to share the gospel by Jim’s practical teaching. We were also inspired to share the gospel by Jim’s personal stories. The weekend was a highlight of our ministry and a perfect way to celebrate our anniversary weekend. Highly recommend!
Mal Gibson
First Baptist Connersville Indiana
Jim, thank you for your ministry with Go & Tell Ministries. Thanks for preaching and teaching at Oakland CRC Hamilton, Michigan, and equipping and challenging us to be the hands and feet of our Saviour. I will continue to pray for Go & Tell Ministries and yourself, and I pray that God will use me and the people at Oakland to create relationships with those who are without a Saviour.
Dale Compagner
Oakland CRC Hamilton Mich
We are so grateful for the time, participation, and service you poured into the candidate retreat!  Thank you for stirring hearts with the intention of reaching and discipling!  We loved how available you made yourselves for conversations.  Thank you for being so open-handed with the material you have produced and the life you have lived!  
Babs Mullinax
The Alliance Midwest District
“Discipling, that’s not my thing. I’ll let others do that.” Through all that God has done for me, what have I done for Him? Jim’s Go & Tell Disciples Making Disciples workshop provided me with easy-to-follow materials to help me become a disciple. Jim has reminded me that I am to love God and my neighbor. If I do this, I will create relationships with others and, through these relationships, create disciples of Jesus.
Alliance Community Church, Fort Wayne,In
As I listened to Jim teach during the Disciples Making Disciples workshop, I was reminded that as a follower of Jesus, it is my command to go forth and make Disciples of all nations. If I truly love Jesus as I believe I do, then the desire to share His love and salvation message should pour out of me. Jim’s books and workshop don’t CREATE Disciples; they affirm and enable Disciples to GO FORTH. Jim reminded me that I already do most of the steps required of a Disciple, now GO FORTH and complete Jesus ‘ command.
Alliance Community Church. Fort Wayne, In
It was great having Pastor Jim come and train the church. His passion was infectious. The lessons were helpful and practical. They were the right balance of challenge and encouragement we needed. Thanks, Jim. We are grateful for your ministry…“Evangelism is relational!”
Pastor Brad Setser
Wyandotte Alliance
As an introvert, I am uncomfortable with the “evangelism methods” I have been trained in. The term “evangelism” automatically causes my anxiety levels to skyrocket! I was not looking forward to attending my church’s Go & Tell Ministries seminar. However, Jim Halstead’s presentation confirmed my belief that sharing Christ’s gospel is more natural within a relationship. I realized that I do not have to weigh their response on me, which removes my emotions of guilt and offense. I was also reminded and encouraged to continue in prayer without ceasing for my lost family and friends. It is the Holy Spirit who draws them to Himself, and it is in His power that I am invited to witness His work of salvation in another person. It is a privilege, not a burden, to share my Jesus with others in love.
Becky Peters
Wyandotte Alliance Church, Wyandotte, Michigan
Jim takes on one the hardest areas to motivate the church. It was no small task to motivate our people to come to a Saturday event about evangelism, but it was powerful, practical, and doable. If only one person puts this teaching into practice, it will impact the church. This is an amazing resource for the smaller church, since Jim has oriented this ministry in such a way to be available to us.
Pastor John Moser
The Ridge