In the Ministry Today magazine, they recently had an article entitled 9 Reasons Christians Don’t Evangelize. Here are three of the nine reasons they listed:

1. We have few evangelistic role models.
2. Some churches have provided no evangelism training.
3. Pastors aren’t taking the lead in evangelism

Those reasons are a good description of the evangelistic duties listed of a pastor in the CRC. (In the Manual of the CRC Government (article 12-a), it shares that one of the duties of pastors of congregations is to Engage in and promote evangelism. It states: Both the pastor and elders are called to participate in and promote evangelism, giving leadership as well as setting a zealous example for the congregation in the promotion of this work.).

The Go and Tell Evangelism Workshop is one way to equip the pastors and elders to engage in and promote evangelism with their congregation and helps them to set a zealous example for their congregation. Go and Tell Evangelism Workshop is a three-hour seminar and is an easy and practical way to equip you to become a fisherman of men (Matthew 4:19) based on the Heidelberg Catechism. The Go and Tell Evangelism Workshop is a free online seminar and includes videos, audio, a booklet, and additional free resources. You can also schedule a Go & Tell Evangelism Workshop at your church. (See the link below.)
Go and Tell Testimonial from Steven Van Zanen (Director for Missions Mobilization, Christian Reformed World Missions): “Many are concerned about the future of Christianity in America, and with good reason. The most important cure for what ails the Church is a renewed appreciation for the heart of the Gospel message and the ability to communicate that to others. The kind of training in evangelism offered by Go and Tell will not only enable people to witness to Jesus Christ effectively, it will deepen the faith of those trained and encourage them in their walk of faith.”