Choose Your Study Kit
The Go & Tell: Great Commission Study is a 7-Video session study that equips you to Delight in God, Declare the Gospel and Make Disciples who will in turn make disciples. It includes a leader’s guide, 7 teaching videos, participant’s workbook and a 5-day personal study plan. Suggested use would be in a small group setting over 7-weeks for 90 minutes each week.

Video Series Digital Access
This includes digital access to the 7 week video series (plus trailer) to use in a group setting or as an individual.

Participant guide
The Participant guide is an accompaniment to the 7-week small group video series. It includes 5 individual daily reflections or study guide per week of the video. (total of 35 daily reflections)

Facilitator Guide
This Facilitator guide is the participant guide but includes additional pages for each week of the video to lead a small group successfully through the series.

Cross/Disciple Tract
The Go & Tell Evangelism Workshop and the Great Commission Study use “The Cross & The Disciple” graphic to equip others to share the gospel with others. We have made a fold-over tract that includes: The Cross and The Disciple graphic, correlating bible verses, and a prayer of repentance, in a fold-over business card to help you share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.

We believe the Great Commission is for everyone.
The Go & Tell: Great Commission Study is a 7-session study that equips you to Delight in God, Declare the Gospel and Make Disciples who will in turn make disciples. This series includes a leader’s guide, 7 teaching videos, participant’s workbook and a 35-day (7 weeks) personal study plan.
This 7-session study is perfect for individuals and small groups who want to live out the Great Commission.
In a small group setting each session typically takes 90 minutes which allows for watching the video and facilitating questions and practice.