Go & Tell Ministries November Newsletter
We are so grateful for your prayers and support for our ministry. https://mailchi.mp/goandtellministries/go-tell-ministries-december-2023-newsletter-15372655
Go & Tell Ministries testimonial.
Pastor Jeff from Imago Dei Church (MCUSA) in Marion, Indiana, recently hosted a Go & Tell Ministries weekend. Listen to Pastor Jeff’s testimonial about Go & Tell Ministries.
Go & Tell Ministries October newsletter!
Go & Tell Ministries weekend testimonial!
Pastor Don of GracePoint Church in Atlantic, Iowa, hosted a September Go & Tell Ministries weekend. Listen to his testimony about the weekend!
Go & Tell Ministries Weekend Testimonial
I recently had a wonderful Go & Tell Ministries weekend at CrossLife Community Church in Charlottesville, Virginia. I was blessed to stay with Pastor Todd and his wife, Renee, for the weekend. Renee shared this testimonial about hosting a Go & Tell Ministries event at CrossLife Community Church.
Go & Tell Evangelism Workshop Testimonial
I had a fabulous weekend at CrossLife Community Church in Charlottesville, Virginia recently. They had many people attend the workshop including many Junior and Senior High youth. I wanted to share Katherine’s testimonial.
Go & Tell Ministries September Newsletter
We want to thank everyone for their financial support and prayers for the ministry. https://mailchi.mp/goandtellministries/go-tell-ministries-september-2023-newsletter-15360811
Go & Tell Evangelism Workshop Testimonial
Pastor David of Community Bible Church in Columbia City, IN hosted a Go & Tell Evangelism Workshop. He said: “This is a great and practical workshop to equip Christians to share the Gospel with friends and family. It is a very practical and interactive time sprinkled with stories that encourage and teach. I would highly recommend.”
Coffee Devo with Pastor Jim
I had a great weekend at Red Rocks Fellowship (EFCA) in Littleton, Colorado in August. Pastor Matt was a great encouragement and a faithful shepherd for the family of God at Red Rocks Fellowship. Pastor Matt said this about hosting a Go & Tell Ministries weekend: “Go and Tell is an excellent resource. Jim Halstead is an excellent speaker and a weaver of relevant, poignant tales that kept my church engaged and encouraged them through the materials. Many told us that the three hours in the workshop flew by. However, the time spent with Jim Halstead was even more valuable than the workshop. His wisdom gleaned from decades of ministry is invaluable to pastors and leaders.” Check out his video testimonial below:
Coffee Devo by Pastor Jim
One of my favorite Bible Verses is 2 Timothy 2:2 “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” Bible Devo is on this verse, and it is about my new book, Disciples Making Disciples…Stories and Studies to Disciple Others. Thank you for partnering with me to equip the church to share the gospel and make disciples with Go & Tell Ministries. People often asked me how I discipled new believers once they repented & professed faith in Jesus. I would meet with them, share my walk with Jesus, and study the Bible together. This book will help me come alongside you so you can grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ as you follow Him, but I also pray that it could be a valuable resource to help you disciple a new believer. May the Lord bless you as you Go & Tell and Make Disciples who can Make Disciples. Disciples Making Disciples book may be purchased on our website @ Disciples Making Disciples: Stories and Studies to Disciple Others by Jim Halstead | BookBaby Bookshop
Disciples Making Disciples…Stories and Studies to Disciple Others book is available now!
Thank you for partnering with me to equip the church to share the gospel and make disciples with Go & Tell Ministries. People often asked me how I discipled new believers once they repented & professed faith in Jesus. I would meet with them, share my walk with Jesus, and study the Bible together. This book will help me come alongside you so you can grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ as you follow Him, but I also pray that it could be a valuable resource to help you disciple a new believer. May the Lord bless you as you Go & Tell and Make Disciples who can Make Disciples. Disciples Making Disciples book may be purchased on our website @ Disciples Making Disciples: Stories and Studies to Disciple Others by Jim Halstead | BookBaby Bookshop
Coffee Devo with Go & Tell by Pastor Jim
The question is not do you have a Bible, but are you reading/obeying it?